Georgia Attorneys Title Guaranty Fund



The Georgia Fund
UB# 90 

Underwriting Bulletin No. 90

November 20, 2002

SUBJECT: Oakwood Homes Corporation, a Delaware Corporation has filed Bankruptcy
Attached is a copy of the First American Home Office National Bulletin 141 regarding the above subject matter. Please distribute to all appropriate personnel in your office.

Please contact the Underwriting Department at the Georgia State Office at 800-328-2642 or 404-250- 1604 if you have any questions.

Case No: HONA 141
Filed: 11-20-2002
Name: Oakwood Homes Corporation, a Delaware Corporation has filed Bankruptcy
Written By: Richard Flory

As you may know, Oakwood Homes Corporation, a Delaware corporation has filed bankruptcy on November 15, 2002.

Prior to authorization of any closings, we need to review the current bankruptcy order(s) regarding their authorization to continue to do business in the ordinary course. We are currently attempting to obtain copies of the current Bankruptcy Court’s orders.

Oakwood Homes

First American agents have access to these attachments on Eagle Central ( If you do not have Internet access please contact Cherie Long at the Georgia State office at 800-328-2642 or 404-250-1604 for copies of these attachments.

Printable version: ub90.pdf*

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A Georgia Not For Profit Corporation